Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fearless by Mac Lucado REVIEW

Imagine your life without fear. We all live with fear, in many forms: fear of not belonging, fear of death, fear of violence, fear of not protecting our children and more. Max Lucado, minister and author of the famed children’s book You Are Special (among others), presents the words of Christ as a way to combat fear. Mr. Lucado says, “Fear may fill our world, but doesn’t have to fill our hearts. It will always knock on the door. Just don’t invite it in for dinner…”

I enjoyed this book from cover to cover. It was an easy book to read, and did not take much time, but the time spent reading was time well spent. The concepts and scriptures he quoted were not ones with witch I was unfamiliar, but the reminders were poignant. We do NOT have to become bogged down with fear. We can look to the Savior for comfort when needed.

My absolute favorite part of this book is found in the chapter about Fear of Not Mattering. It is a poem about the people of Stiltsville, and I am happy to hear that an extended version of this poem is being made into a Children’s book entitled the Tallest of Smalls. I will be eagerly awaiting the release of this book, so I can add it to my book shelves.

I found a few doctrinal differences from my beliefs, but for the most part the book followed basic Christian principals found in the Bible. My only complaint is the mix of Bible translations used throughout the book, and none of which was the King James, the version that I was raised with and still read today. I think the more modern translations, while at times easier to understand, lose the beauty that is found in the language of the King James.

All in all, this was a marvelous book and I recommend it highly. Fearless is available today at bookstores near you and online. For more information about this book you can head to www.TheFearlessBook.com

Thank you to I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers for sending me a copy to review.

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